BreathE Offerings
Tantra Hatha Yoga - Weekly
the yoga place in Glen Ellyn
488 Crescent Ave.
Tuesdays 7:00-8:15 PM
drop-in class $15
Yoga for Stress Reduction and Deep Relaxation (Yoga Nidra)
4 Saturdays 10-11:15 AM in May: 5/2, 5/9, 5/16, 5/30
4 sessions $50, each class $15
preregistration required, please email
Tolle Meditation Group - Monthly
7:30-9:00 PM
next meeting Thursday, 3/19
RSVP required, email
the yoga place in Glen Ellyn
488 Crescent Ave.
Tuesdays 7:00-8:15 PM
drop-in class $15

Yoga for Stress Reduction and Deep Relaxation (Yoga Nidra)
4 Saturdays 10-11:15 AM in May: 5/2, 5/9, 5/16, 5/30
4 sessions $50, each class $15
preregistration required, please email
Tolle Meditation Group - Monthly
7:30-9:00 PM
next meeting Thursday, 3/19
RSVP required, email
Private Sessions
I charge $1 per minute to work with you yogically, meditatively or astrologically. Most sessions are 1 hr 15 mins-1.5 hours ($75-$90) and can be held at one of my teaching locations, your place or mine.
I specialize in working with:
- people who wish to be "in the flow" and more aligned with their soul
- people who are interested in learning yoga
- people who desire to learn to meditate
- those interested learning how to discover or embellish their soul's purpose, using soul-based Mayan daykeeping, meditation and energy awareness
- Career counseling, strategizing and decision making
Discounted packages for multiple sessions.
In Lak'ech (I am another you)
Barbara (BJ) Sadtler
Labels: Spring 2009 Schedule
At March 9, 2009 at 2:54 PM ,
SimplyEclectic1 said...
Thank you for a very informative class. Meant to mention that I noticed your "galactic butterfly" necklace today in class. Its quite pretty.
After class I did a bit of checking. Found a link to a site that you may be interested in. It contains information about the various day signs and healing with specific areas of the body linked to specific dates. I believe you mentioned looking for information on this subject.
Also sent you a PDF file entitled "Symbols, Glyphs & Divinitory Almanacs for Diseases In the Mayan Dresden & Madrid Codices" which investigates a comment you made in the Mayan Daykeeping Class. Hope you find it interesting.
At March 9, 2009 at 9:50 PM ,
Barbara (BJ) Sadtler said...
The galactic butterfly was actually a symbol found woven into Zapotec rugs near Oaxaca, MX, but it is so yin/yang and reflective of cosmic consciousness, that Jose Arguelles made it popular with 2012er's. You can purchase these pendants in silver or gold on the
Thanks, Cynthia, for sending this information my way. It is worthy of sharing with others on this blog.
I need to study the report by Sr. Eric S. Thompson, who, along with John T. Goodman and Juan H.Martinez-Hernandez, correlated the Mayan Long Count calendar with the Gregorian calendar (the GMT correlation mentioned in the Long Count class).
I wouldn't be surprised if the sketches by Bouwmeester are the ones Carl Calleman aluded to. I do know that in a healing I experienced with a Mayan shaman, he pressed and pounded on the Mayan version of accupressure points as he chanted the day signs.
At March 17, 2009 at 4:21 PM ,
SimplyEclectic1 said...
A few comments.
1. First, the 11th was a full moon. Since the Mayans were in tune with celestial bodies, did they hold any special significance to the full moon?
2. Bought the Book: "Secrets of the Talking Jaguar" that you suggested. It just came in via Amazon. Found it used very reasonably. Looking forward to reading it.
A book which you may find of interest is "Forbidden History," edited by J. Douglas Kenyon.
At March 17, 2009 at 9:56 PM ,
Barbara (BJ) Sadtler said...
Hey Cindy..on Mayan Moon Goddess
The Mayan moon goddess is Ix-Chel (Chak Chel in Quiche Mayan). You will no doubt come across her in Secrets of a Talking Jaguar. They glyphs I have seen of her she kind of looks like a crotchty old woman with a serpent on her head!
In "Mayan Gods and Goddesses" Daykeeper Vinnie Stanzione writes:
"Ix-Chel is best known as "Lady Rainbow", but she is also referred to as "Great Rainbow" "Red Rainbow" and "Red Tree." She is a mother and a grandmother, an old goddess of divination, childbirth, medicine, healing, weaving, feminine wisdom, sorcery, sweatbaths and sustenance. If ever there was a Creator Mother, this is she! She provides humanity with her nurturing rains of abundance, but she was also queen of floods and their destruction. She was the "first mother" as grandmother, the weaver of destiny and birth giver of fortune. Her blood was the vital liquid that flowed from women at both menses and childbirth, yet she herself was beyond menses. Chak Chel was the waning aspect of an aging moon. As destroyer, she was nature's great devorurer, for her blookthirsty hands were the paws of the ravenous mother jaguar that silently stalked the jungle for prey.
"Ix" (jaguar) was her day and red was her color. The jiote tree (also known as the sunburn or tourist tree because the bark is a thin red skin, like the tourist who got sunburned) was her sacred abode.
One was her number and "one-footed" hurricanes were her specialty. She was the archtetypal midwife of the world and mother of maize as well as the first pair of Hero Twins from the "Popul Vuh".
Most importantly, Chak Chel embodied the wisdom of nature's eternal return symbolized by the rainbow serpent that she wore as her headdress and crown.
Calleman wrote some interesting stuff on Mayan Moon Cycle Information
Calleman wrote about the Mayan use of a moon cycle of 29.53 days (similar to other early cultures) vs the Dreamspell (and other)calendars that incorrectly peg the moon cycle as 28 days.
Check out this site for details:
Also see Wikipedia on the Mayan moon goddess:
At March 17, 2009 at 10:05 PM ,
Barbara (BJ) Sadtler said...
Daykeepers, especially those that were at the Long Count class at Anahata Center (Pamela's)
I promise you, Gregg Braden is copying me!
He has just released his new book on 2012, "Fractal Time, The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age." Check out his video introduction soundtrack:
FYI, fractal theory, as I understand it,scientifically describes the human ability to experience the infinite expansion of the universe just by becoming aware of the infinitesimal spirals of the atomic structure within us.
Easy as that, we do it every day!
At March 26, 2009 at 11:41 AM ,
SimplyEclectic1 said...
I just received a new book entitled "How to Practice Mayan Astrology" by Bruce Scofield and Barry C. Orr. Does not contain the 'left' and 'right' or extremities for the Mayan Cross, except the birth year. However, it does incorporate two other elements; the 'night lord' and the 'Venus cycle or phase' at birth. I found both elements quite informative.
At March 26, 2009 at 1:43 PM ,
Barbara (BJ) Sadtler said...
Thoughts on Scofield and Orr work with Mayan astrology:
Well, Cynthia, you notice what I noticed. Scofield and Orr's work does not appear to align with what the native Maya daykeepers that I met taught me, or what I am teaching the daykeepers in Chicago. I have found some elements of their work very useful, i.e., the year bearer information and interpretations of the glyphs. Unfortunately, I don't remember Don Alejandro mentioning Scofield.
Some years ago I purchased the 10 page astrology report for my day sign. This is Scofield's work. My report was incisively accurate at the personality level. It was like my personal "to do" list. You may notice that Scofield's book "Mayan Astrology" also seems to operate at the personality (lower self) level.
These are some of the issues that I have with Scofield's work. Please keep in mind that I am not a professional astrologer as he is.
1. The Maya taught me that the Mayan cross is about soul's purpose in this lifetime. This feels to me like a very different orientation than that found in Scofield's work.
2. Scofield is a professional astrologer, but it still feels to me that he has blurred his Western concepts within the Mayan system.
3. According to Lungold and Calleman, the Tzolkin is clearly a soul-based system that does not read planetary and constellation positioning to determine the influences on a person. Their descriptions of the signs and tones resonate with me at a soul level, but this will vary from person to person. I know people who use Scofield's book like a Bible.
3. I have not yet found a year bearer chart in Guatemala daykeeping texts/tables, though it exists in Scofield's book and is on the chart I received from Don Alejandro. I was curious when I saw an article in the Guatemalan news that the Maya were celebrating the new year last February (according to the Tun??), but the Scofield chart, which follows the Mayan Haab calendar, indicates new year 2009 as April 3. I am confused about the calculation of the year bearer. I am even more dismayed by the Night Lord concept. Those are on my list to clarify.
4. I received verification of the Mayan Cross system from what I think are very reputable Mayan sources (Don Alejandro, Don Juan and two texts). All use the Cross characteristics which include conception date, destiny, right and left arms, but I have yet to glean this from Scofield's work. It is entirely possible that Scofield interprets the same energies differently.
5. The good news is that at least Scofield's work does not appear to be a totally different Tzolkin, like Arguelles' 13 moon calendar. For that reason, it has merit for me to regard Scofield's work as another tool to navigate these energies as perceived by the Maya.
Given that this is ancient information for which very little written documentation exists and that has predominantly been handed down through the oral tradition, we can see that the Western mind is still trying to grasp it...and may be seeking clarification for some time. The answers, I suspect, may be found within.
PS, I recently saw Scofield being interviewed on a History channel show about the Maya.He appears to be on the same page as John Major Jenkins' precession theory.
In Lak'ech,
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