Return of the Ancestors - Reflections
Reading Native-friendly history en route helped me gain much needed perspective. For example, it was quite common in the French and Spanish territories to intermarry with Native people. The Puritan-based Anglos did not. Their rabid hatred for the “savages” was over-the-top by all standards, in ways that didn’t happen North or South of US borders. This is a distinction that I hadn’t realized before and one that, as an Anglo with settler's blood in my veins, is being healed.
In Due Time, the Eagle and the Condor
Though no one actually told me, I surmise that the longstanding rift between the Hopi, Navajo, other tribes and the whites was the main factor that prevented the gathering on Hopi to happen. It doesn't feel to me that the Eagle (North America) and the Condor (South America) prophecy will ever be brokered by the whites, and will come together organically, not through financial means, as was the intent with this gathering. Attaching money to this process was forcing what can not be forced. The vision of the new currency, love-based exchange, became easier to fathom as I observed the old paradigm crash into the new. It is my hope that all who participated and promoted this event learned some valuable lessons. We must be sensitive to the reality that, as attuned as the Natives are to Earth, Spirit and all of their relations, oneness consciousness has eluded them as much as the rest of humanity. We're all in this together.
The people I met will be as memorable as any other aspect of this journey, from both positive and disconcerting points of view. At first I was humored by the notion that just about every pilgrim I met had had ecstatic visions of White Buffalo Calf Woman and was called to do this and that, running around in attempting to manifest their visions (delivering beads, adopting buffalos, etc.) Many pilgrims fasted for the entire 10 days. In conversations, it was apparent that many in this crowd do not believe in free will and that Spirit is 100% in charge. Many believe that the 2012 thing is going to happen in the blink of an eye. In all honesty, very few of the pilgrims felt grounded to me and, towards the end of the journey, I had to wonder if anyone was taking responsibility for their decisions at any level. This flightiness was juxtaposed by the Native groundedness. Some thoughts:
- Our destiny is determined both by the Divine Plan and personal choices. That is what karma is all about. To think that life is mutually exclusive of one or the other is naive, impractical and very likely a cop-out.
- The transformation of consciousness has been going on for a very, very long time. Yes, this is the time of the quickening, but I doubt the old consciousnesses are not going to disappear anytime soon. Have any truly disappeared? New consciousness transcends and includes the others, and this has been shown to be a natural law. Cellular, familial, tribal, regional and planetary, etc. consciousness will continue to exist, though they may not dominate. There are many aspects of earlier bodies of consciousness that are valuable to our newly evolved way of being. It may take some time for enlightening humans to deal with other levels of consciousness appropriately and compassionately. We need to move away from thinking of consciousness as a "fixed state" with levels. In my mind, these represent a machismo model. Rather, streams of consciousness are constantly on the move, like energy, and we will be pulling in the meritous threads from previous levels as we co-create a new consciousness.
- Heart opening and simple living, these are the keys. Figuring out how to outsmart, survive and protect yourself from Earth changes is irrelevant and a waste of time that may be better spent clearing your personal and ancestral negativity.
Thank you, Angels
Though you will find reference to these characters in previous posts, I’d like to give honorable mention to those who touched my heart and taught me just what I needed when I needed it. Many thanks and blessings to:
Larry Running Turtle who did a healing for me on the first day of the event. Combined with the sweat that evening, it freed me of some physical pain so that I could stay energized and enjoy this journey.Kathy Marshall and Mary Dwyer from Chicago who encouraged me to sweat. Whenever in Sedona contact Mary for healing walks.
Sulee, Don Alejandro's daughter and successor, who is sure to do well with her duties. She is an amazing speaker and has a smile that exudes wisdom and caring.
Esmeralda, (mentioned in previous post) s/him photographer from San Francisco who meditated with me on the rim of the Grand Canyon, the heart of the Earth.
The Brit and Bosnian who live in Amsterdam and challenged my ideas about Obama for two hours at the Taco Bell in Tuba. While I defended the anti-conspiracy political position, they showed me what chem-trails look like and posited brand new ideas for my feeble American mind. Best of luck with your newly adopted white buffalo.
Marlinda Kooyaquaptewa, tour guide extradordinaire. You can find her at the Hopi Cultural Center or She will take you sacred places and tell you all she can without snuffing you out later.
The crystal skull carriers Marza and Shara, though they wouldn’t take the skulls out of the trunk for fear of contamination at the gathering, shared their knowledge and wit with me as we explored the magic of the Hopi. Shara dubbed the Hopi gathering drama as "The Shit of the Ages." You're both awesome.
Teresa Rousseau of Earth Dance Circle in Sonoma, CA, celebrated her birthday at Hopi. What a gift! She is a trusted vision quest guide, soul retrieval specialist, hearty travel companion and conscientious pot shard picker-upper.
David Odell and friend Lee who shared his work in integrative astrology. A fervent student of all schools of astrology, Mayan, Vedic, Egyptian, he is weaving them together so that we can notice the patterns. Keep checking his site for amazing content.
Miriam Delicado author of Blue Star, an autobiographical tale of her experiences as an alien abductee. She was actively involved in the negotiations between the Elder's Gathering producers and the Hopi and offered insight on the disconnect. She also talked to the cops who appeared at Prophecy Rock while we were in an impromptu circle ceremony. Thank you for smoothing ruffled energies and opening your heart to me.
Ideal, Harmony of, Eric, Chad of and the especially the Discovery Channel photographer (name escapes me) from LA for breaking bread, reminding me to stay in my heart and forget about figuring stuff out.
Alph Secakuku, owner of Hopi Fine Arts in Second Mesa, chanteur of music from the Fourth World and author of Hopi Kachina Tradition, Following the Sun and Moon for educating us on the Hopi creation story, ceremonial cycle, kachinas and the making of silver overlay jewelry. The first question he asked us was "What do you think of the Hopi not welcoming the Gathering?" He made it quite clear that, even though he is a long-standing member of the Hopi council, the leadership there now is corrupt (giving land rights to Peabody Coal, etc.). He was personally embarrassed with their decision not to let us gather en masse on their land.
Two of the 60 Basque pilgrims, Irene and Arantza, who, together with their two children, made the trip down from Hopi to Sedona an easy, fun ride. They invite us to join them at Amalurra, their hotel/restaurant/spiritual community in norther Spain.
Matty, Ian Lungold’s partner, for embodying how to be, open, not contracting, and being present to love in every moment, regardless of the cost or the loss.
Steve Copeland and David for sharing the scenes from “The Shift of the Ages” film in the making. This film will be a block and system buster that will finally reveal to the world the essence of the Maya and their calendars. The rough footage we watched in Matty's kitchen brought tears to our eyes, bumps to our skin and shivvers up our spines. Steve et al are capturng what no one else has on film. Stay tuned for its release, it's bound to boost the shift like no other body of work.
In Lak'ech,
Labels: Return of the Ancestors
At May 1, 2009 at 5:34 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi BJ!
I just returned to Ann Arbor from the Return of the Ancestor's event and a couple of days of R & R before jumping back into 3D.
After leaving Hopi, I knew I had to rejoin the Gathering on the to feel/see for myself what had passed during the days I was in my own flow and not playing follow the "leader". As the Elder's got off the bus at Dead Horse Ranch State Park to find no shelter or seating, you could see that they were tired and distressed. Many had sore throats from sleeping out in the cold. Don Alejandro's wife, Elizabeth just rolled her eyes when I asked her how she felt things had gone during their time in the Land of the Forgotton People. About 2 hours later, the shelter tents and chairs arrived. Whew! As everyone found their seats, I found myself surrounded by the Mayan contingency. No one asked me to leave. One of the Elder's tapped me on the shoulder and asked me when I was going to bring out my skull....afterall, it was the day of Keme, the day of the Ancestor's. ( did he know I had a skull???) And so, my skull did come out of the "closest" to participate, quietly, in the days activities.
Just to clarify was at my skulls request that He be kept in the car during the event, not out of fear of 'contamination', but because he was working very hard on the spiritual planes with the energies of the Gathering. He tends to work undercover much the way I do. Plus, He's made it quite clear that he's not a ceremonial skull. His work is on other levels.
As the day unfolded, I felt and witnessed some magical moments.... Llama Norbu passed on the power of the East to the young Gatekeeper of the Temple of the Sun. The Queen from Ghana sang to the Earth Mother, as did a young woman from Okinawa. The fire ceremony done by the Aymara was lovely, as was Don Alejandro's last words to the people. As I looked at the faces of the elder;s who had traveled from so many nations, I couldn't help but wonder when so many races had last come together in such a way. My heart felt full.
The day ended with a gift from a gentleman from Australia, who performed a powerful healing with the digeradoo and the ancient language of the Aboriginal Elder's. Totally awesome.
As I watched the Elder's gift Adam Yellowbird, I couldnt help to cringe, knowing how unrelational he and his "Harmony Keeper's" had treated those who literally made this event possible, how they had ripped so many people off by misrepresenting the event and not communicated clearly as they moved through Arizona leaving many left behind. On another level,I realized that the Elder's had somehow been served in the process. I do feel that ICA does need to address many issues about misrepresenting the event, but it remains to be seen what he will do.
Yes, this event did have the quality of the "Shit of the Ages", rather than the Shift itself, but it helped me to realize that the Elder's of all these beautiful traditions do not know the answers that many were/are seeking. They, like us, are creating new pathways. Each and every one of us must ignite the godseed within our hearts and bring the Creator into our body/minds as we walk through the dimensional portal into the next world. We must surrender the ego and allow God to live us. God in the body, present moment at a time. There are no "leader's" in these times other than ourselves and the Mystery moving through us into the world of form.
I am filled with gratitude to the time spent with the Hopi, their hospitality and graciousness will not be forgotton.
What a wonderous journey we are on!
Many Blessings,
Shara Lyn El
At May 5, 2009 at 2:07 PM ,
Barbara (BJ) Sadtler said...
Dearest Shara,
Your comments add much to these pages and I'm thankful that you opened your perspective and clarifications to this audience.
Great story about the Maya asking you to bring out your skull. These folks have incredible intuitive gifts and your skull story is a prime example. I'm comforted to know you're working at subtle levels.
Last night I was watching the 4th installment of the "We Shall Remain" PBS series, where the Native Americans tell their story, augmented by a touch of sincere white historical commentary. This segment was the story of Geronimo and the Natives did a wonderful job describing (some in native tongue) his vision and power. The enemy could never find him, let alone strike him down and kill him. In the end, they did, however, wear him down with their relentless pursuit.
These are sad stories, but so necessary in understanding what needs to be healed, how deep the wounds are and what it will take to move forward as one united people.
This morning I intuited that Adam was crafting a message and later received a mass email from him, thanking us for our monetary contributions to the gatherings. My practice during this whole process has been to notice and restrain judgment. Everything is necessary, everyone tries as best as they can and yes, we have a very long road towards oneness ahead of us. As Larry Running Turtle said "this is why we have these gatherings."
I do plan to contact Adam and offer some constructive ideas on how to assuage the ill feelings and resurrect ICA as a viable organization for change. If enough of us bend his ear, perhaps we can make a positive contribution towards the way the next gathering is assembled and manifested.
In Lak'ech on 4/ix,
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