Presently, my focus on the Maya and the Mayan Calendars is expanding. For the next several months, I am committed to work on the launch of an unprecedented film about Don Alejandro, an extraordinary man in extraordinary times, the Grand Elder of the Maya. This is the Elder whom I have been quoting. It is his wisdom that I have shared with you in my presentations.
The launch of this film is daunting. This is a low-budget, indie film managed by the Mayan concept of time and a team of talented like-mindeds. I've seen much of the footage. This work will educate, entertain and mobile the masses towards the birth of a new world age. The story and prophecies of Don Alejandro deserve direct transmission with humanity, and Shift of the Ages is the vehicle that promises to assuage the fears and frustrations inherent in modern society.
My efforts with the outreach of this message are open to anyone listening. Now, we need assistance from every spriritual activist we can find. I daresay that you fit the profile. You are the choir!
Click on the image below to learn more about the film and how you can participate in this grassroots movement. This is exciting. More evidence that we are the ones we have been waiting for.

In Lak'ech, I am another you,
Labels: "The Shift of the Ages" Film Project